Our intent is to plan and teach an inspiring, coherent and memorable curriculum that inducts students into “powerful knowledge”.
Powerful knowledge is key knowledge that enables young people to go beyond the limits of their own experience; better explain and understand the world; think about alternative futures and how to influence them; learn new ways of thinking; and follow and participate in current debates of local, national or global significance. These are all types of knowledge that give young people intellectual abilities that they are unlikely to learn from their everyday lives. (Michael Young).
Structure of the Curriculum
Years 7, 8 & 9 – Key Stage 3 (Key knowledge and skills are built up across a broad range of subjects, creating a foundation for future study).
Years 10 & 11 – Key Stage 4 (Examination courses begin, predominantly GCSE courses).
Yrs 12 & 13 – Post 16 (Focused study on a small number of examination subjects, A levels and Applied courses).
Key Stage 3 Statutory Curriculum
All young people will study as part of the secondary curriculum:
- Key Stage 3 core curriculum: English, Maths and Science.
- Key Stage 3 foundation subjects: Art, Design & Technology, History, Geography, Modern Foreign Language, Computing, Music, PE, Citizenship.
- Religious Education.
- Relationship and Sex Education.
Key Stage 4 Statutory Curriculum
All young people will study as part of the secondary curriculum:
- Key Stage 4 core curriculum: English, Maths and Science.
- Key Stage 4 foundation subjects: Computing,PE, Citizenship and Religious Education.
- Relationship and Sex Education.
- A course in at least one of the Arts; Design and Technology, Humanities; Modern Foreign Languages and all four if they wish.
Remote Learning Provision
Our main platform for remote learning is Google Classroom, which can be accessed through our Remote Learning Portal.
More detailed information can be obtained in the following publications.
You may also contact the Deputy Headteacher, Ms. Martin, if you require any additional information - pmartin@helston.tpacademytrust.org