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Student Leadership Team
Making the Difference
The Student Leadership Team is comprised of Year Group Focus Leads, Career Ambassadors, Transition Mentors, Eco- Ambassadors and Anti-Bullying Ambassadors. These teams include students from all Year Groups to ensure every voice is heard and all have the opportunity to make a difference to education and well-being at Helston Community College.
The Student Leadership Team offers a valuable opportunity for students to interact with each other and with senior members of staff. It is vital to give the students an input into improving life at Helston Community College.
Come and join our teams to make a difference at Helston Community College.
Outline of the Student Leadership Team Structure
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors (Years 7-13) - Are officially trained students in Years 7-13 who have been trained by the Diana Award, Anti-Bullying campaign. The role of an Anti-Bullying Ambassador is to educate students on bullying behaviours; lead Anti-Bullying campaigns; promote a culture which celebrates and tolerates differences, and help keep our peers safe both online and offline. Anti-Bullying Ambassadors job is to promote kindness and positivity in the college and local community. The ambassadors act as buddies for those students who are struggling to make friends; they also lead the college's Kindness Month which takes place in March every year. This year students made Easter Bags for local residents in a care home. These included Easter cakes, biscuits, cards and kindness pebbles all decorated and made by the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors. If you enjoy being really creative, you’re positive, kind and you want to make the difference, you would be a perfect Anti-Bullying Ambassador!
Transition Mentors (Year 7) - The Transition Mentors are a group of students in Year 7 who work with Year 6 students, in supporting their transition from primary schools to Helston Community College. Mentors’ responsibilities include: Attending primary schools to talk about experiences, run events at the transition days, support at transition evenings, and act as mentors for students who require bespoke transition.
Year Group Focus Leads (All Year Groups) - Our Year Group Focus Leads role is an opportunity for students to represent their year groups. This role has been developed so that students in all Key Stages can develop their leadership skills. Any student can apply to be a member of the Year Group Focus team. Roles and responsibilities for this role include: creating, running and monitoring a tutor competition amongst their own year group; running a charity event, including launch assembly; running one assembly per year; arranging regular litter picks to support the school community; taking part in student feedback sessions with members of SLT, and creating one well-being activity for their own year group.
Eco-Club: The eco club is open to students in all year groups. Students are offered a range of personal development and leadership opportunities. They can attend eco-committee meetings, discussing sustainability, biodiversity and climate change issues, and supporting strategic planning for the college on sustainability issues. Students can also work towards their eco-volunteer awards in Bronze, Silver and Gold, where they carry out different voluntary activities, such as helping to maintain the college garden, litter picking, supporting assemblies and producing resources.
Careers Ambassadors (All Year Groups) – The careers ambassadors are students from any year group who would like to play an active role in careers education at Helston Community College. Careers ambassadors assist with the running of careers events, and help shape our careers provision by representing the views of their year group in feedback sessions with the careers team.