Dear Parents and Carers
We have been planning for the next academic year and I am pleased to inform you that there has been an update on the uniform requirements for September. Following feedback from students and parents, we will be allowing students to wear a College v-neck jumper (with an embroidered badge logo) instead of a blazer or, as well as a blazer. The reasons for this are that some students find the blazers uncomfortable and it also provides a cheaper option. Please see below the considerable saving if buying a College jumper instead of a College blazer.
College blazers are currently priced between £25.50 and £27.50 (depending on the size) and College v-neck (knitted) jumpers with an embroidered badge logo will cost as follows:28/30/32” @ £13.9534/36/38” @ £14.9540/42/44” @ £15.65 + VAT(Approximate size guide: 32” = age 11-12 / 36” = 15-16)How do I order a College v-neck jumper (with embroidered badge logo), a blazer, tie or badge?If you wish to order any items of College uniform, this can be done via our College shop here: Helston Community College Shop (
How do I know what size will fit my child, or know the quality of the blazer or jumper?
You are welcome to try on blazers and jumpers for size at North Site Reception Monday - Friday 8.25am - 4.00pm.
(Please note we cannot guarantee that all uniform orders will arrive before the end of term - please keep an eye on the website and facebook for updates on collection dates,
College blazers generally take a week but College jumpers may be as long as 4 weeks before they are delivered).
In view of this decision, a plain knitted v-neck jumper (without an embroidered badge) will no longer be part of our uniform. If your child currently wears a plain College v-neck jumper (without an embroidered badge) under their blazer, and you are unable to replace it with an embroidered one, please contact us directly to discuss what we can do to support.
Yours faithfully
Alex Lingard