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MENTAL HEALTH & WELLBEING - Curriculum Introduction Statement of Intent
At Helston Community College we have a positive and dedicated approach to supporting students’ mental health and wellbeing. Throughout the year there are many elements of the curriculum, both academic and non academic, that help support students.
Students have a comprehensive set of lessons during PSHE where they learn about the importance of positive mental health, mental health issues and where they can get help and support if they need it now or later in life. In addition to the provision provided through the curriculum in PSHE there are also assemblies and tutor sessions dedicated to supporting mental health and wellbeing.
Throughout the year we celebrate many events which encourage positive mental health. A comprehensive overview of the elements which take place can be seen here:
Children’s Mental Health Week takes place every February. During the school day many events take place during tutor times, assemblies and lessons. Students are encouraged to discuss positive mental health and discover various ways to express and manage the challenges that they may face in supporting their own wellbeing. Children’s Mental Health Week is supported by Young Carers, Youth Workers, Penhaligons Friends and the School Nursing Team.
Anti-Bullying Week is a national campaign that takes place every November. Anti–Bullying week gives the College an opportunity to shine a spotlight on work that we do to prevent bullying in all its forms and to encourage all students, teachers and parents/carers to continue to take action against bullying throughout the year. Activities take place during this week in tutor time and lessons. All of these activities are designed to raise awareness of the need to accept differences in each other, to treat people equally and fairly and to respect and celebrate each other’s differences. These events are led by our College team of Anti-Bullying Ambassadors.
Odd Sock Day is another event that is linked to Anti-Bullying week. This day takes place in November each year as an opportunity for students and staff to express and celebrate their uniqueness.
In addition to the events that are outlined above, the school works with a number of outside agencies. CAHMS support students with mental health concerns, emotional and behavioural difficulties. Helston Community College and CAHMs work closely together if there are concerns about any student.
Penhaligons Friends supports any student who has experienced a bereavement and they share their resources with schools so this support can continue in school.
In addition to these support agencies and strategies we have a link to the military social work team. This team can provide support for service families who may be affected by deployments. This team can also offer 1:1 support and targeted youth work for students where needed. Military students also have the opportunity to come to drop ins with the youth worker.
Kooth & Qwell Parent & Carer Video.mp4 - Google Drive
Kooth and Qwell, free on line mental health support, awareness video.
Any questions or queries please email Mrs M Mugford
Qwell is available for all parents & carers in Cornwall of any age.
No referral necessary. Register in minutes to access support.
Qwell is commissioned by NHS Cornwall & IOS Integrated Care Board.
Breathing Activities (
Mental Health Support – Agencies
CAMHs – Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Children and young people's mental health services (CYPMHS) - NHS (
Start Now Cornwall
Young People Cornwall
Kooth Counselling
Young Minds
The Mix
Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust