Is this course for me?
Are you excited about learning a brand new skill?
For nearly every student starting this course it will be the first time they have worked in a darkroom or taken photographs in a studio with a film camera. You will discover a new medium to create fantastic permanent and original images. Alongside this you will be able to develop your digital skills in colour photography, become visually and critically aware and learn about the history of photography. Good subject combinations are Art, Technology, Media Studies, English, IT, Geography. Photography is fun and will provide a breath of fresh air to any subject combination.
What qualifications do I need?
No previous knowledge of photography is required. Grade 4 or above in Art and Design or Design Technology and grade 5 in English is strongly advised. The most important requirement is enthusiasm for the subject.
What does the course involve?
The course is divided into the following three areas.
Practical investigation:
Understanding and use of equipment and processes. Camera, light meter, studio lighting, film processing, darkroom, enlarger and chemical processes. Use of digital cameras, Photoshop and lnDesign. Health and safety.
Personal study:
This involves an extended essay offering an opportunity to study your favourite genre of photography in depth. This may include gathering information from a practising photographer as well as from written sources.
Externally set task:
A practical test, 15 hours at the end of the second year. A chance to demonstrate your planning, critical, technical and creative skills. This is essentially a practical course and students will be expected to become skilled in all aspects of the techniques of photography, including the processing of black and white images traditionally and in the manipulation of digital images using Photoshop. Students will develop visual and critical skills, study the history of photography and become familiar with the work of established photographers. The main emphasis of this course is CREATIVITY.
How will my work be assessed?
Component 1 - Personal Investigation
Element 1: Practical Portfolio
A practical research project investigating many aspects and genres of black and white and colour photography, mostly darkroom based in year one. Contextual studies and history, including the illustrated study of a well-known photographer.
Element 2: Related Study
Undertaken in year 2 involving a greater depth of study and lead by the student's particular area of interest. Introduction of digital skills, Photos hop, lnDesign, Studio flash with digital SLR cameras, leading to an illustrated essay about photographers/artists working in a style or genre that inspires the student. You will create a great set of your own images informed by the study.
Component 2:
Externally set task:
A 15 hour practical task.
What can I do afterwards?
- Become a professional photographer
- Students may wish to continue their education in Photography, Media Studies or Art and Design.
- This qualification would further a career in film making, television, journalism, and any media-based employment.